Multi-peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) is an ag insurance product that is federally regulated, subsidized by the federal government, and sold through private crop insurance agents.
Setting up a Multi-Peril policy can be complicated and intricate. Let us guide you through decision-making on what is best for you.
The weather never takes a day off, so our crop insurance company is available 24/7 to deliver your crop hail needs. We offer a 2-hour binding and write with multiple companies so we can find the best policy and price that fits you and your operation!
Rainfall Index
- Rainfall index policies are area based policies that protect Forage and Pasture from drought.
- Annual Forage is used to protect forage such as wheat, triticale or red top cane. This policy must be elected by July 15 each year.
- PRF is used to protect pastures and grasslands for producers that own livestock. This Policy must be elected by December 1st of each year.
Livestock Revenue
This is a great marketing tool for livestock producers to buy a subsidized “floor” for their herd. The prices and premiums change daily and sales close at 8:25 am every day.